On your task list for today, "procure broadband for Springfield before IT shows up for the network install". Based on conversations with IT professionals, here is what happens next. (Aggregators and ISP account team issues described in a future episode.)
Congratulations, you have just lost half a day. If you aren’t pulling your hair out daily, you aren’t procuring broadband for your company.
Broadband procurement made easy.
With the WEWISPS workflow, you will accomplish within minutes what took you hours to do. You waste no time and you have the information you need at your fingertips. All without any hair loss.
Welcome to the WEWISPS Case Study series – a study of problems and contrasting solutions in the area of broadband procurement and management. We hope to amuse and inform. Please connect with us for future episodes. If a colleague of yours may be interested in this, we are happy to send them a link on your behalf.